March 29, 2020

A Message from Pastor Dan
As most of you know, starting March 22, 2020, we began streaming our services live on Facebook. We will continue to hold video services in our sanctuary as long as we are able, and will also work to provide a Wednesday night gathering tie at 6:45 PM. In addition, Pastor Dan will be posting devotional thoughts and readings daily on the church’s Facebook page. While the Lights and the Whitneys will be in the office periodically, the MCN offices are closed for now, in order to cooperate with the government’s directives to maintain social distance. If you haven’t “liked” the Manchester Ct Church of the Nazarene Facebook page, please do so as soon as you can. There are some initiatives in place:

  • Addison Light is collecting riddles for use on Wednesday nights. (Submit to

  • If you want a list of seniors for correspondence, email the office.

  • If you need a new church directory, email the office. (Don’t share the document online!

  • If you are working on an art project at home, photograph it when completed, and send it to We will post on the website.

  • If you find a website or article with good ideas for keeping kids active and engaged while at home, send it to us and we will post it.

  • If you have prayer requests or praises to report, send them in or call. We have a prayer wall that we are adding to daily, and we will start a praise wall on Monday (3-23-2020).

If you want to share any of the live posts, click on “Watch Party” and the live post will jump to your news feed and your friends will be able to see it as well.

Please do your best to keep in touch with folks, and let’s make sure no one has to go through this strange time alone.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan

Don’t forget online giving, or mail in contributions. Costs will remain pretty constant during these days, so your prayerful support will be critical!

Celebrate Recovery
Please contact Dave at 860 432 8251 or at
Watch for further announcements

Mission Corner
If you are planning on contributing to the project money being raised for the Africa Nazarene University Work and Witness trip, you can still do so by sending a check to the church office by the end of March. Thank you.