April 19, 2020

Sunday School
Starting Today (4-19-2020) Adult Sunday School returns by way of ZOOM. If you would like to receive an invitation to participate, email to office@mcnaz.com and identify yourself. For security reasons, you must have an invitation in order to participate. Donna Corbeil is the teacher and she will publish the scripture verses in advance so that you can be prepared for the class. This week’s passage is John 1:1-13.

Coming This Week!!! – Teen Zoo!
This coming Thursday, 4/23/2020, Pastor Garry and Aaron and other would like to see your smiling faces. Email Aaron (office@mcnaz.com) the best email address to use to send you an invitation to join in!

Facebook Live
FACEBOOK LIVE STREAMING is our medium of choice these days. Although it isn’t perfect, we would encourage you, at least for the short term, to open a Facebook account and LIKE the Manchester Ct Church of the Nazarene page. This will make it easier for you to stay connected during this health crisis. The other account we would like you to get is a free ZOOM account. Both of these accounts are free, and we will use these platforms to connect with you until we can be face to face once again, hopefully soon!

Highlights from the most recent MCN Board Meeting:

  1. Cancellations: District Assembly, Local Annual Meeting, MCN Women’s Retreat, All local meetings until we are cleared to meet again, sometime after May 20. This means that the current board members and officers will serve until their replacements “are elected and qualified,” according to our bylaws.

  2. Annual reports will still be made and a booklet will be compiled with reports from each department.

  3. The Board voted to continue paying our hourly workers their normal wages based on their normal hours for the present time. If the church is approved for a Payroll Protection Program Loan, then we will continue this through the crisis. If the loan is not approved, we will have to revisit this decision.

  4. Tithes and offerings are running about $5,000 per week, which is about $3,500 less than our weekly budgeted need. We are grateful for those who continue to send in offerings or use the MCN Smartphone APP to make donations and offer tithes.

  5. The 22 teachers returning to Cornerstone Christian School next year were rehired, based on the recommendation of our Head of School.

  6. The members of the staff were granted salary increases for the coming church year.

  7. The budget for the church and the budget for the school were reviewed and approved. The school budget included salary increases for teachers commensurate with the new wage increases mandated by the state of Connecticut.

  8. A compassionate ministry fund was established and a committee of three appointed to administer it, Pastor Dan, George and Donna.

Celebrate Recovery Crisis Response
“CRCR” is dedicated to supporting men and women in their victory over hurts, habits and hang-ups iunder changing conditions.

Open Share on-line via Zoom: Men: 7:00 pm Thursday - Women: 8:00 pm Thursday.

Please contact Dave at 860 432 8251 or at profdave8@cox.net to register and receive the link.

“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” II Tim 1:7.

Watch mcnaz.com/recovery for further announcements