May 17, 2020

Sunday School
Adult Sunday School has started by way of ZOOM. If you would like to receive an invitation to participate, email and identify yourself. For security reasons, you must have an invitation in order to participate. Donna Corbeil is the teacher and she will publish the scripture verses in advance so that you can be prepared for the class.

Meeting again this week!!! – Teen Zoo!
This Thursday, Pastor Garry, Tonia, Tim, and Aaron would like to see your smiling faces. Email Aaron ( the best email address to use to send you an invitation to join in!

Facebook Live
FACEBOOK LIVE STREAMING is our medium of choice these days. Although it isn’t perfect, we would encourage you, at least for the short term, to open a Facebook account and LIKE the Manchester Ct Church of the Nazarene page. This will make it easier for you to stay connected during this health crisis. The other account we would like you to get is a free ZOOM account. Both of these accounts are free, and we will use these platforms to connect with you until we can be face to face once again, hopefully soon!

Tithes and Offerings
Tithes and Offerings Thank you to all who have been sending in Tithes and Offerings in various ways (including nailing them to my front tree!) Please continue to use the APP, the Mail, your online banking APPs and other ways to give your offerings. Also, we have established a new Compassion Fund for those in our congregation who may need financial support due to the recent events. To contribute, look for that designation on the Church App or write a note in the margin of your check.

Prayer Requests
Look at the Prayer Wall on the Church App for prayer requests. Don’t forget, Jen, Clara, Jerry, Ruth, and those others who are wrestling with COVID-19. Keep praying!

Celebrate Recovery Crisis Response
“CRCR” is dedicated to supporting men and women in their victory over hurts, habits and hang-ups iunder changing conditions.

Open Share on-line via Zoom: Men: 7:00 pm Thursday - Women: 8:00 pm Thursday.

Please contact Dave at 860 432 8251 or at to register and receive the link.

“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” II Tim 1:7.

Watch for further announcements