Thanksgiving Meals for Local Families
As we have done for many years now, we will be again partnering with MACC charities to bring meals to local families this Thanksgiving (and Christmas!) Keep an eye out for a board in the foyer in the coming weeks with all the items we will be providing.
Advent Dinner - Saturday, December 4, 2021
After overwhelmingly positive response from last weeks vote we have decided to go forward with resuming our annual Advent dinner this year on December 4th. Stay tuned for more information as plans are just now coming together.
Women’s Event - Saturday, October 30th at Trinity Covenant Church
New River Church and Trinity Covenant Church are partnering to bring a women’s event to our community of united churches on Saturday, October 30th. The name of the event is “The Solid Place - Living Grounded Daily In What Is Most True About Who God Says You Are.” Featuring keynote speaker: Margot Starbuck. Visit for more information!
Celebrate Recovery - Thursday at 7:00PM
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-Step group meeting for confidential support every Thursday night from 7.9PM at 218 Main St., Manchester. It is a place where you can address your hurts, habits and hang-ups without condemnation and find recovery and spiritual growth.
This Week:
7:00 - Teaching Meeting: Crossroads!
8:00 - Men’s Open Share Groups
Women’s Open Share Groups
For more information, call/email 860-432-8251 or