Christmas Love Offering for Pastor Dan and Nancy
Throughout the month of December we will be collecting a love offering to show our support and appreciation to Pastor Dan and Nancy. We are planning to present it to them on Christmas Sunday, so please try to have your gift in by December 19.
Snow Removal Team Volunteers Needed
Winter is fast approaching, and we need some folks to volunteer to help us with snow removal for the 2021-22 winter season. If you are able to help with snow removal please speak with Rick Pisani or email at
Christmas Meals for Local Families
As we have done for many years now, we will be again partnering with MACC charities to bring meals to local families this Christmas! All items need to be brought to the church by Thursday, December 16th. Check out the bulletin board in the foyer for more information.
Sunday School for Children
Starting November 7, we will begin dismissing our Sunday School aged children from morning worship after the opening prayer to prepare, musically , for Christmas with Nancy Whitney. Sunday School will follow the music time for the month of November and for the first three of weeks of December. Our children will sing in the Sunday morning service on December 19th.
Celebrate Recovery - Thursday at 7:00PM
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-Step group meeting for confidential support every Thursday night from 7-9PM at 218 Main St., Manchester. It is a place where you can address your hurts, habits and hang-ups without condemnation and find recovery and spiritual growth.
This Week:
7:00 - Testimony Meeting: Guest!
8:00 - Men’s Open Share Groups
Women’s Open Share Groups
For more information, call/email 860-432-8251 or