Stomping Out Human Exploitation - Sunday, May 23 at 2:00PM
On Sunday, May 23 MCN will be hosting a special event sponsored by the Greater Manchester Peace and Justice Committee about human exploitation, a terrible scourge many people do not know about. Speakers will include Taylor de Graffenreid from the Anti-Human Tracking Bloom Initiative and Michal Distefano from AMIRAH, Inc. Free admission. Contact the church office if you have any questions.
Crisis Care Kits - Now Through June 6
Starting now through June 6 we will be putting together items to create 42 Crisis Care Kits for those in need. See the display in the foyer, or visit for more information and to find out what items you can contribute.
Pentecost is coming! May 23 isn’t that far away!
Pull out your red shirt, your red slacks, your red suit, your red tie! Pentecost is about the fire of the Holy Spirit, and after the year we have just had, we all know we need a fresh touch of that! As always, we will conclude the service at our outdoor altar, as we thank God together for the way he has answered our prayers this season.I encourage you to keep praying together with your friends and family members between now and then. Our plan is to renew Wednesday night prayer meeting as soon as our local virus numbers fall a bit lower. The church is now open for small prayer groups to meet by appointment, though we ask that these be outside of school hours.
Brief Church Board Notes
Due to the pandemic, which creates the difficulty of getting everyone together at the same time this year, the local and district boards have suggested the postponement of annual meetings. With their permission, we have extended the terms of officers for one year. We are working on the annual booklet which will give a full accounting of our activities this past year, along with a full financial statement. We will return to our usual practices next year.
Cornerstone Christian School - Accepting Applications
Cornerstone Christian School (CCS), located in Manchester, CT, is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year, offering full-time (5 days) in-person instruction. CCS is a dually-accredited (by ACSI and MSA), college-preparatory, Pre-K – Grade 12 school, which offers a challenging and developmentally appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of the whole child. For more information or to schedule a personal tour, please contact us today at 860-643-0792 or visit our website at
MCN Student Ministries - Wednesdays at 6:30
MCN Student Ministries meets Wednesday’s from 6:30-7:30 in the McLain Building gym. All students in grades 7-12 are invited to join us to hang out, play games, worship God, and learn more about Jesus! (Face masks and social distancing required.) For more info contact Pastor Garry or call the church office at (860) 646-8599.
Celebrate Recovery - Thursdays - 7-9PM
No matter what your hurts, habits or hang-ups, there is Hope for you. We meets in the Sanctuary, 218 Main St., right entrance, Thursday evenings, 7 – 9 pm. Please park in the right hand parking lot, straight ahead. Temperature screening, face masks and physical dis-tancing will be required for your safety.
7:00 – Teaching Meeting - Sponsor!
8:00 - Men’s Open Share / Women’s Open Share
Open Enrollment Step Studies!
The 12 Steps are a systematic approach to discipleship and growth addressing all hurts, habits and hang-ups, not just what we do but who we. By working the 12 Steps with their Biblical parallels over a period of 9 – 18 months we are transformed.
Men’s Step Study: Tuesday, May 4, 7 - 8:30PM
Women’s Step Study: Saturday, May 8, 9:00AM
To register, call 860 432 8251 or email