August 29, 2021

Free Wood
Pastor Dan’s neighbor, James Doran, has some wood that is free for the taking to whoever is willing and able to cut it. Contact Pastor Dan to arrange for pickup.

 Cornerstone Christian School - Accepting Applications
Cornerstone Christian School (CCS), located in Manchester, CT, is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year, offering full-time (5 days) in-person instruction. CCS is a dually-accredited (by ACSI and MSA), college-preparatory, Pre-K – Grade 12 school, which offers a challenging and developmentally appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of the whole child. For more information or to schedule a personal tour, please contact us today at 860-643-0792 or visit our website at

Celebrate Recovery - Thursday at 7:00PM
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-Step group meeting for confidential support every Thursday night from 7.9PM at 218 Main St., Manchester. It is a place where you can address your hurts, habits and hang-ups without condemnation and find recovery and spiritual growth.

This Week:

7:00 - Teaching Meeting: Victory!

8:00 - Men’s Open Share Groups

Women’s Open Share Groups

For more information, call/email 860-432-8251 or