September 13th, 2020

We’re Back!
Face to face services have resumed, and there are now two options for your participation.
On Saturday nights at 5:00 PM, we are holding a worship service that is both informal and conversational. We take extra time to pray together as a group and we discuss the bible passage after it has been taught. The service is socially distanced with required masks (conforming to the governor’s orders.). We sit in pews marked with green tape. We receive offerings in Offering Boxes placed in the rear of the sanctuary. When we start taking communion together again, we will use special, prepackaged communion elements for the time being. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the facility. Doors are propped open. Bathrooms are now open, though drinking fountains have been converted to fill bottles. After service, we will converse outside the building in the fresh air as much as possible.

On Saturday night, the pews will be wiped down and bathrooms cleaned in preparation for the morning service.

On Sunday mornings, at 10:45 AM, we are holding our regular worship service with the same guidelines as the Saturday night services. We will sit in pews marked with blue tape. Coffee and continental breakfast will not be served; nursery service will not be available.

We will be reviewing the church program through the month of September to decide when and how we will open different portions of our usual program.

We will continue to provide live streaming of our services into the fall season, as some will be unable to return for awhile. We hope as many of you as are comfortable will return quickly, but we understand that each family must make their own decisions in this matter. Our goal is to make sure that in everything we do, we act with kindness and compassion, being willing to support those who might feel differently about things than we do, or who might not be ready to return to more traditional ways of doing things. After all, “The way we do, what we do” is as important as “What we do,” in the Kingdom of God!

Annual Meeting Rescheduled for September 19, 20, 2020
The annual meeting that was postponed in April of this past year will be held over two days. We will vote for officers on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The full report of the year ending in march of 2020 will be available that Sunday.

“10 Days of Prayer” --A call to the churches in Manchester for united prayer...

Manchester will host a local version of the international “10 Days of Prayer” movement. The event will begin at the Church of the Living God on Saturday, September 19 and end at the Manchester Church of the Nazarene on Monday the 28th of September. During the week, groups will be leading worship and praying at the prayer tent in front of the Salvation Army Church downtown.

The Prayer Tent in the front of the Salvation Army, 661 Main Street will be a house of prayer for 10 days from September 19-28. Worship will be led each night from 6:00-8:00 by our united churches and at various times during the day.
This is the link to sign up to be present in the tent for prayer
If you have any issues signing up or would like to know how you can help, please contact Jane Bell (860-268-0405).

Tithes and Offerings
Thank you to all who have been sending in Tithes and Offerings in various ways. Please continue to use the APP, the Mail, your online banking APPs and other ways to give your offerings. Also, we have established a Compassion Fund for those in our congregation who may need financial support due to the recent events. To contribute, look for that designation on the Church App or write a note in the margin of your check.

Celebrate Recovery - Safe Mode
Celebrate Recovery  has moved to the Sanctuary of the Church of the Nazarene, 218 Main St, Manchester.  Please park in the right hand parking lot as you come in the main church entrance.  The right hand doors will be open and we will be sitting in far right section at safe distances.

Find hope and healing for your hurts, habits and hang-ups in a safe and confidential recovery group. Meeting in the main bldg, 218 Main St., right entrance, Thursday evenings, 7 – 9 pm.
Temperature screening, face masks and physical distancing will be required for your safety.
This week:
7:00 –Teaching Meeting - Amends!
8:00 – Men’s Open Share Group
Women’s Open Share Group
For more information, call/email 860 432 8251 or