October 31 & November 1, 2020

Thanksgiving Meals for Local Families
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and we have again partnered with MACC to provide meals for local families in need. Visit mcnaz.com/thanksgiving for more information. All items need to be delivered to the church fellowship hall by Wednesday, November 18. We will pack and deliver food baskets on Saturday morning, November 21. If you have any questions please contact the church office at office@mcnaz.com.

Christmas Decorating—November 22 at 6:00PM
Come join us on Sunday, November 22 at 6:00 pm to decorate our church for Christmas. This is a fun, casual, opportunity for fellowship as we begin celebrating this wonderful Christmas season. Masks and Social Distancing will be required.

Adult Sunday School Has Resumed
Donna Corbiel’s “Fellowship Hall” Sunday School class has resumed in face to face sessions. The class starts at 9:30 AM and is open to any adults. Masks and Social Distance required.

MCN Student Ministries Has Resumed

MCN Student Ministries has resumed meeting on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 in the McLain Building gym. All students in grades 7-12 are invited to join us to hang out, play games, worship God, and learn more about Jesus! (Face masks and social distancing required.) For more info contact Pastor Garry or call the church office at (860) 646-8599.

Meditation and Prayer Time Offered
Continuing November 21, you are invited to spend a portion of your Saturday morning in prayer and meditation with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pastor Dan will lead these sessions. Each session will be in two parts . . . a first part which each person does before the online session begins (30-40 minutes) followed by a second part which includes discussion of scripture and prayer. Specific instructions, as well as the link to join the ZOOM meeting, may be requested by emailing office@mcnaz.com. An additional meeting is scheduled for Dec. 5.

Cornerstone Christian School - Accepting Applications
Cornerstone Christian School (CCS), located in Manchester, CT, is still accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year, offering full-time (5 days) in-person instruction. CCS is a dually-accredited (by ACSI and MSA), college-preparatory, Pre-K – Grade 12 school, which offers a challenging and developmentally appropriate curriculum to meet the needs of the whole child. For more information or to schedule a personal tour, please contact us today at 860-643-0792 or visit our website at www.thecornerstonechristianschool.com. Cornerstone will also be hiring an elementary level teacher in the next month. One of our teachers is relocating because her husband accepted an out of state position. Please check the Cornerstone website for the application.

Celebrate Recovery - Safe Mode
Find hope and healing for your hurts, habits and hang-ups in a safe and confidential recovery group. Meeting in the main bldg, 218 Main St., right entrance, Thursday evenings, 7 – 9 pm. Please park in the right hand parking lot, straight ahead. Temperature screening, face masks and physical distancing will be required for your safety.
This week:
7:00 – Testimony Meeting – Guest!
8:00 – Men’s Open Share Group
Women’s Open Share Group
For more information, call/email 860 432 8251 or profdave8@cox.net